A film short honoring the life of the late, great, Fort-Worth, Texas-born, guitarist/ songwriter/ performing artist, Stephen Bruton. Bruton was a featured actor in Abamedia’s first independent film, World Without Waves. Produced for the 2009 Lone Star International Film Festival, where songwriter/actor Kris Kristofferson accepted the first, annual Bruton Award for excellence in the performing arts.
"With the help of a team of tireless volunteers, in a week's time I wrote and directed the creation of this 12 minute video honoring the life of the now late, great, and Fort Worth-born performing artist, Stephen Bruton. The video was produced for a November 13, 2009 Lone Star International Film Festival event where Kris Kristofferson personally accepted the first annual Bruton Award for excellence in the performing arts. Please share this Vimeo link (the Web address of the video file) with anyone you think might be interested."
J. Mitchell JohnsonTo learn more about the Lone Star International Film Festival please go to: LSIFF.com